Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Surprise Visit

Bethany's aunt and uncle from Michigan and cousin from Florida came back for a visit.  We had a fun night hanging out and visiting.   

Auntie Bethany and Uncle Doug

We welcomed our niece to the world recently.  She's adorable!  It was a happy day for our family.

6 Years Already?

We also celebrated our 6-year anniversary this month.  It's hard to believe we have been married for 6 years.  Even though we've had our struggles, we cannot imagine a life without each other.  For our anniversary, we took a bike ride and then enjoyed a quiet supper together. 

Welcome Back Class of 1998

We celebrated our 10-year reunion this month.  We were members of the first class of Northern Cass High School.  Half of our class attended the reunion.  It was exciting seeing everyone again and learning what they are up to.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One Month In

We've been in "the book" for a little over a month now.  The friends we've told have been very encouraging.  That really helps us keep looking forward and excited.  We expect the arrival of a new member of our family soon.  Doug's brother and his wife are expecting and due any day now. We are excited for the day when cousins can play together at the family's farm.    

On the lake...

Tubing over the 4th of July weekend.  Don't we look like we're having fun?

Doug ended up in the lake.  Oops!

The man responsible for Doug ending up in the water.  I'm sure it was an accident....

Patiently waiting...

Family Baby Shower for Doug's sister-in-law.

Their due date is July 10th so we're waiting by the phone to hear of the arrival of our niece.