Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday Season

It has been an eventful couple of weeks for our family. Doug's brother and his wife celebrated the birth of their new baby boy! He has been a wonderful addition to our family. We're also getting ready for Christmas. It's hard to believe December is flying by so fast. Doug made lefse with his mom today to give to some of family and friends. The gifts are starting to pile up under the tree. Logan loved decorating the tree for the first time. It has more ornaments on it than it has for a long time. Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Indian Summer

Thank goodness for Indian summers! The beautiful weather recently has helped us to have a little fun and getting some of those "to-dos" crossed off. Logan loves playing outside so much that getting used to it being dark at night when he gets home has been different. He continues to express himself in new and interesting ways. He fully knows how to use "no" and "why" to his advantage. We're looking forward to the holidays.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Welcome Back

It's been two years since our last post, but what a great two years it's been. Shortly after our last post, we were blessed when a birth mother reached out to us. Our son came to us through adoption that September. We've never been so excited, happy, and scared, all at the same time. We were ready to have a child but never imagined being a parent would be so much fun!

We are ready to grow our family through adoption again. Welcome back. We invite you to review our profile and get to know our family a little better.